Noktal Gel cena

Noktal Gel Although these activities are great for getting rid of hungry winter days, they can hit you hard. Common winter problems with feet, such as frostbite and blisters, are aggravated by cold, dry air and a slippery, wet and uneven surface of the foothills.




Noktal Gel price Maybe you have developed a routine of applying a thick layer of lotion on your hand before you need it in the winter and often re-applying the lip balm to keep your lips soft. Cold, dry air often dries the skin. The skin on your feet is covered with this. Cracks and cracks on the soles of the feet are pleasant here, and I have a tendency to appear on the heels of the shoes. Preventing dry skin on the feet by applying hydrating cream is a good idea. Суве, испуцале пете добро реагую на хидрантни лоцион и мекане чарапе.